Tag Archives: highways

Beep Beep!

13 May

I’ve always complained about driving in Miami.  It’s as if everyone on the road went to the very same “Drive Like a Dick” traffic school in order to get their licenses;  Taking red lights, no regard or respect for blinkers and violently cutting people off is the absolute norm within the city.  Don’t even let me get into what’s normal practice on the highways!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I recently moved out to Atlanta, GA.  Before coming out here a lot of people warned me about the traffic, saying it was going to be worse than Miami and bla bla bla.  Well, let me tell ya somethin’!  Those bozos were all wrong!

Yes, at “Rush Hour” times there is indeed a lot of traffic, however, for the most part, everyone here knows how to drive!  The speed lane is exactly that; where people drive if they want to go a little faster; As soon as you get a little too close to the person in front of you, they move off to the right and let you keep going.  And guess what?!  People here use and understand blinkers!  By George! I never thought I’d see the day where someone would actually slow down for me on the highway and let me get in front of them for simply putting on my blinker.  It feels like I’ve died and gone to Highway Heaven!

The only thing I have to give Miami the one up on is in the way they set up their streets; by numbers and cardinal directions.  Out in Atlanta everything is by name and there is no such thing as alphabetical order!  And they love to reuse names like Peachtree and Cobb and put them at completely different points of the city so that they can totally confuse you and make you think you know where you’re going, but you actually don’t.  Thank goodness for Google Maps!  I’d be stuck in a ditch without it!  But I’d gladly take using a GPS in a city with nice drivers over knowing where I’m going in the crap streets of Miami, any day!

::End Rant::