Tag Archives: guidos

It’s a Shore thing…

30 Oct

I know Halloween is not actually until Monday, but I decided celebrating it a little early, along with the rest of the world lol

This year I decided to be Snooki from MTV’s Jersey Shore.  But I wasn’t just ANY Snooki, I was Daytime Snooki!  The one that wears furry boots, big hats and sunglasses.  I got a little creative and altered the glasses myself as well as the the shirt.  I clipped on some fake red hair, glued on some fabulously tacky nails and of course, coated myself in about six layers of spray tan.

Now, being that I’m only 5 feet tall and was in character a lot of the night, my costume was a smash!  People would flip out when they saw me and kept stopping me to take pictures with them.  I felt like a celebrity!  I totally loved it!

Here are some photos from last night’s adventure 🙂

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